
Jennifer J. Lentz, PhD


1998 PhD Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania


My research interests include human auditory perception in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, the application of psychological models to perceptual phenonmena, and the development of better tools to assess and characterize tinnitus. In particular, I am interested in how the auditory system represents distinct auditory signals and how the auditory system integrates relevant information to yield a unified auditory percept. Our lab also evaluates the effects of hearing loss on those perceptual processes. Recent work has been directed towards methods that might work better for assessing patients with tinnitus in the clinic. A few of our relevant publications are:

Lentz, He, & Townsend, J. T. (2014) "A new perspective on binaural integration using response time methodology: super capacity revealed in conditions of binaural masking release," Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 1-16.

Lentz, Walker, Short, & Skinner (2017) “Audiometric testing with pulsed, steady, and warble tones in listeners with tinnitus and hearing loss,” American Journal of Audiology 26, 328-327.

Humes, Kidd, and Lentz (2013) “Auditory and cognitive factors underlying individual differences in aided speech-understanding among older adults,” Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7, Article 55.


Psychoacoustics, Hearing Science, Critical Approaches

Check out this textbook: Lentz (2018) Psychoacoustics: Perception of Normal and Impaired Hearing with Audiology Applications, Plural Publishing. The textbook has numerous instructor materials including lab assignments that can be conducted at home.


Donghyeon Yun, MS, PhD Student


2015 MS Speech Pathology & Audiology, Hallym University


Donghyeon Yun, M.S., is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at Indiana University. His research, under the guidance of Drs. Jennifer Lentz and Yi Shen, focuses on psychoacoustics and hearing devices with listeners with hearing loss. Prior to doctoral study, he worked as an audiologist at Konkuk University Medical Center. He got his master's degree in audiology at Hallym University, Republic of Korea. He now works as a research assistant in Auditory Perception Laboratory. His goals are to help clinical audiologists make use of better tools examining patients and fitting hearing devices.

Email : dongyun@iu.edu

Recent Papers and Presentations

Yun, D., Lentz, J. J., and Shen, Y. (2020) Intelligibility and Preference of Vocoded-Speech under Fast- and Slow-Acting Compression. Poster session presented at the American Auditory Society Conference.

Shen, Y., Yun, D., and Liu, Yi. (2020) Individualized Speech Intelligibility Index: Feasibility and Reliability. Poster session presented at the American Auditory Society Conference.

Shen, Y., He, Y., Skinner, K., and Yun, D. (2019) The effect of reverberation on listening effort. Poster session presented at the Acoustical Society of America.

Yun, D., Shen, Y., and Zhang, Z. (2019) Can listeners reliably identify their preferred amplification profiles for speech listening? Poster session presented at the Acoustical Society of America.

Lim, D., and Yun, D. (2016) Critical Bandwidths of a Basic Tonal Frequency for Korean Normal Young Adults. Audiology and Speech Research 2016;12(3): 139-143.

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Yi Liu, MS, PhD Student


2017 MS Chinese Linguistics, Beijing Normal University


Yi Liu is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, pursuing a degree in Hearing Sciences with a minor in Linguistics. Prior to Ph.D. study, she obtained her master’s degree in Chinese Linguistics from Beijing Normal University in 2017 and bachelor’s degree in Chinese Linguistics from Renmin University of China in 2014. Yi is performing her research in the Auditory Perception Lab under the guidance of Dr. Jennifer Lentz and Dr. Yi Shen. She is working on listening effort and tinnitus assessment.

Email : yli9@iu.edu

Reeya Patel, Undergraduate student

Reeya Patel is a current undergraduate student in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. She is completing her bachelor’s degree in Speech Sciences with minors in Entrepreneurship and Family Studies. Reeya is currently working on a study with Dr. Jennifer Lentz looking at audio-visual integration on identifying voice and gender.

Email: reepatel@iu.edu

Abdullah Abdulmohsen Bin Shulhub, MS, PhD Student

Abdullah is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Hearing Sciences at the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. Prior to Ph.D. study, he obtained a master of science degree in Audiology from the University of Manchester in 2021 and a bachelor's degree in speech and language pathology and audiology from King Saud University in 2016. Abdullah is performing his research in the Auditory Perception Lab under the guidance of Dr. Jennifer Lentz.

Email: aabinshu@iu.edu

Chad Bullard, BS, PhD Student


2021 BS Music Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology


Chad Bullard is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Hearing Sciences in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. Their research interests include qualitative descriptions of audio and the ways that our perception of these qualities change with various forms of processing. Initial work, under the guidance of Dr. Jennifer Lentz, will focus on the impact of compression algorithms on the perception of “warmth” and “brightness” in audio samples.

Email: charbull@iu.edu